


"Mastering NFT with 30 Short Articles" 26 Other Types of NFT

NFTs are one of the foundations of web3. This series will introduce NFTs through 30 short articles, allowing everyone to understand and master the relevant knowledge about NFTs from scratch.

In the previous articles (23/24/25), we learned about the most widely used types of NFTs: art, PFP, gaming, and metaverse items. This article will explore NFT types beyond those.

If you remember, we mentioned in the first article of this series that NFTs are digital assets, which means they are completely digital or a digital representation of assets. Each NFT is unique, meaning it is non-fungible and cannot be replaced. At the same time, we can also mint anything as an NFT.

In addition to art, PFP, gaming, and metaverse items, there are other types of NFTs that exist, which we briefly mentioned in previous articles, including but not limited to: membership NFTs, domain NFTs, POAP, XNFT, etc.

Let's introduce them one by one.

Membership NFT#

From the name itself, you can understand the purpose of a membership NFT, which is similar to a shopping membership card or a club/organization membership card. As a shopping membership card, the holder can accumulate points, get discounts, and receive gifts by purchasing items while holding the NFT. As a community membership card, the holder can gain access to certain events and enjoy service discounts, among other benefits.
Traditional membership cards store data in the systems of service providers. For example, my Amazon membership card does not affect my Lego membership card. Each membership card's data is isolated, and individual membership card data is difficult for users to control. For example, Amazon can completely delete my long-term accumulated membership card records and points. However, NFTs are completely recorded on the blockchain. Different merchants can provide more accurate services and products based on user data. More importantly, all the records and data belong to the users and cannot be deleted by any merchant or organization. This ensures the data rights of users, which is a very important part in the digital age, where data is power. (I will provide an example later.)

NFT Domains#

Each user's on-chain address is a hash value, which is not convenient for memorization and dissemination. To address this, they can be bound to more human-friendly addresses through redirection, and these addresses are called domains. For example, my personal website domain is
In Ethereum, a user's address is a long combination of numbers and letters, such as my address: 0xA6097a4adf23553623A7917bbBb28c7bb2a7775c. To make it easier to remember, I can use hoodrh.eth to represent it. And this ".eth" domain name is a type of NFT that can be obtained through purchase.


POAP is a proof-of-attendance protocol used to prove that a person participated in a certain event. Through POAP, event organizers can mark participants, even after a long time, and find out who participated in the event by querying the event. This has a very convenient role in the follow-up of events. As a participant, POAP can incentivize more people to participate in activities. Like collecting stamps, collecting POAP can prove one's activity records and gradually form an on-chain profile.
Some POAPs have high value and significance in terms of identity, such as a POAP obtained by attending an exclusive invitation-only crypto conference. This POAP can bring social and economic benefits.


XNFT uses NFTs as a program, which means that if I own a crypto monkey, I can write a smart contract for it and run that NFT to achieve certain functions.

Of course, there are many other types of NFTs, such as using each NFT as a wallet, where different NFTs can be saved hierarchically, or using NFTs as collateral for lending and other financial operations. If you are interested in these types of NFTs, you can try related products or services to learn more through firsthand experience.

Example of data as rights:
Meituan delivery drivers do not have social security benefits because the delivery platforms outsource this significant expense. The result of this outsourcing is that the delivery drivers are registered as individual businesses. In cases of injury or labor disputes, the delivery drivers have nowhere to seek rights protection. This often leads to instances where the delivery driver's data is deleted by the platform. By packaging and minting the delivery driver's data as an NFT on the blockchain, the data can be effectively protected from deletion, safeguarding the rights of the delivery drivers.

If you want to learn more, you can find me here:
Digital Territory: Hoodrh

XLog: Hoodrh

Twitter: Hoodrh

Discord Chat Group: Hoodrh

Mirror: Hoodrh

SubStack: Hoodrh

Nostr: npub1e9euzeaeyten7926t2ecmuxkv3l55vefz48jdlsqgcjzwnvykfusmj820c

Ownership of this post data is guaranteed by blockchain and smart contracts to the creator alone.