


【NO.11-Learning to Report Upwards】

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In the process of work, it is not enough to be capable in order to have good treatment and a sense of accomplishment. We live among people, and how we communicate with others determines what kind of ultimate achievements we obtain. How to communicate with superiors is a part of content that we must learn. Let's get straight to the point this time.

1. Key points for reporting to superiors:#

(1) Understand superiors: Superiors are always pressed for time and busy, so talk about what they truly care about.

(2) Get to the point: When reporting to superiors, state the conclusions and data directly. When speaking to subordinates, tell stories and express opinions.

(3) Be adaptable.

2. As a senior manager#

Ability is the most basic requirement, but more importantly, you need to have the strength to face various situations decisively.

3. When reporting to senior managers#

Don't focus on making them recognize you, but rather explain the content of your responsibilities to help them understand the progress and situation of the business for their decision-making.

4. Aspects to be cautious about when reporting to superiors:#

4.1 Senior managers have precious time, so have a strong sense of time. Report key information within a limited time and explain your needs and goals.

  (1) If there is a 30-minute meeting, aim to complete the report within 10 minutes.

  (2) If you can only have 3 slides, which three would they be? Condense the key information in the report.

  (3) Have an "elevator pitch" version for each report, concisely explaining the problem. The PREP structure includes: position (clearly stating what the other party needs to do and what they can gain), reason (explaining why this matter is important), evidence (data or evidence that supports the position), and point (reiterating the request).

  (4) Consider extreme situations: No slides, explain in one minute.

4.2 Don't just focus on your own report, but also pay attention to the overall situation in the meeting room and respond promptly.

  (1) A small tip when reporting is to start by thanking the attendees.

  (2) Listen to others' opinions during discussions and refer to their statements to show recognition while redirecting the topic to your own agenda.

4.3 Get to know the report recipients in advance and understand what they are interested in and need. When reporting, the main objective should be to drive decision-making and communication with others should be cooperative, rather than resisting others to maintain your own position.

4.4 Clearly state the purpose at the beginning of the report. Start by stating what my purpose is (or why I am here), what the problem or issue is, what the feasible solution is, and then present supporting documents. (1) If there is bad news, say it first, don't leave it for later!

Method: State the bad news - explain why the problem occurred - present at least three possible solutions for the superior to choose from.

5. At the end of the report#

Reconfirm the agreements or decisions reached with the participants and inform them that you will send an email to confirm after the meeting. After the meeting, send an email to confirm the content of the meeting and proceed with execution. It is important to have written confirmation, otherwise it can be risky!!!

6. Regarding presentation style:#

(1) Maintain eye contact with the other person and observe the color of their pupils.

(2) Vary the speed and tone of speech.

(3) Use hand gestures and move appropriately.

(4) Send the presentation slides to the attendees before the meeting.

7. Some small details in the company:#

(1) Remember the names of relevant individuals.

(2) Maintain humor and rationality even under pressure; it's difficult, but important!

(3) Keep smiling.

(4) By achieving others, you are achieving yourself.

Reporting to superiors is an art that requires continuous practice. Maintain humility and confidence, as they are important. We are all constantly growing and learning, and every mistake and failure can be an opportunity for growth. Good luck!

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Reading List


"Sovereign Individual"

"The New Territory of DAO Human Collaboration"

"Comic Feng Shui"

"Mastering NFT from 0 to 1"

" 2022 NFT Annual Report"

"Why Do You Always Give Up Halfway"

"30 Questions for Data Product Managers"

"20 Essential Lessons for Product Managers"

"NetEase One Thousand and One Nights"

"Ten-Minute Meditation"

Courses: "Master Class - Ma Youyou"

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